Earlier this month, Purple Care began a mini-blog series on how to keep potted plants alive. Last time we focused on houseplants. For our second and final edition, we’re going to discuss outdoor plants. Amidst the ongoing fears about the Coronavirus and the continuing need for social distancing, it is important to remember that homeowners should still be cautions of going outside and traveling to crowded places. However, everyone needs to step outside occasionally for their own safety, and caring for the plants in your garden or even on your porch can be a great way to connect with nature and get some fresh air, while still staying safe and obeying general quarantine rules. Read on for helpful information from our professional landscapers, and remember to try and remain calm during this strange time.

The Top 5 Ways to Keep Outdoor Potted Plants Alive:

  • Make Sure Your Plants Are Getting the Appropriate Amount of Sunlight: Most potted plants you purchase will come with a tag telling you how much sunlight they need. While all plants need sun to live, some need more than others. You may want to place certain potted plants in shadier areas or your property, while moving others to spots that get sunlight all day.
  • Watch Out for Cold Weather: Just as certain types require varying degrees of sunlight, there are also many plants that require varying degrees of warmth. While you can leave some perennials outside until the weather reaches below freezing, most potted plants should be brought indoors as soon as the temperature starts to dip. Fortunately, we are in the midst of spring right now, so the weather should be pretty good outside, giving you one less thing to worry about. That said, it’s still a smart idea to keep an eye on the forecast year-round if you want to ensure your plants are never exposed to weather that’s too harsh.
  • Balance Rain and Watering: While cold temperatures are not good for most plants, rain can be great, as long as it is not too heavy. That said, it is important to remember to avoid watering your plants after it has recently rained, as this can cause them to drown. Consider sheltering your plants when the rain gets too heavy, and during rainy seasons, avoid over-watering.
  • Get Rid of Dead Blossoms: Getting rid of dead blossoms, also known as “deadheading,” is a process that only applies to flowering plants. These tend to be more popular as potted outdoor plants, so it seemed appropriate to talk about them in this blog. While dead blossoms will eventually fall off flowering plants on their own, pinching them off makes your plants look better, and helps them to grow faster. Obviously, for aesthetic reasons, most people want to get rid of dead blossoms ASAP, but it’s important to remember that deadheading also helps your plants stay healthier in the long run
  • Keep Away Pests: Everything from bugs to rabbits to deer may try to get at your outdoor potted plants. The good news is that if you have a screen porch, your plants are automatically much more protected. You should also consider keeping a fence around your garden—especially in these times when secluding your property is of the utmost importance. Hanging baskets can also be a good way to keep plants away from every animal but squirrels. If you do decide to bring outdoor plants inside, make sure to check them for pests first, as the last thing you want is to have a bug problem on your hands.

Purple Care is here for all your landscaping, tree care, lawn service, and construction needs. Call (817) 880-6052 to schedule an appointment, or contact us online for a free quote. And remember, if you do go out to tend to your plants, stay safe!