Although summer’s already here, it’s not too late to make sure the way you’re watering your garden and landscape is giving you the best possible results. Most people are often surprised when they find out they can be doing more for their garden by making a few simple changes.

When it comes to landscape irrigation, there’s a lot more to it than letting your sprinklers run or spraying the hose here and there. Let’s go over a few techniques you can use to make sure you’re watering your plants as efficiently as possible.

Rule of Thumb: One Inch of Water Per Week

If you aren’t sure how much to water your landscape, a good rule of thumb is one inch of water per week. Because this is a rule of thumb, however, expect exceptions. For example, native plants are hardier compared to non-native species that might require more watering to accommodate for a different climate.

You can control the amount of water your landscape gets by setting your sprinklers, but be mindful of the weather! If you get rain, check to see how much fell in your area and take that into account as you water your landscape for the rest of the week.

Water for Longer Periods but Fewer Times

When it comes to landscape irrigation, you’ll want to water your plants for longer periods but fewer times a week. Watering two or three times a week for a total of around five hours can yield the one inch of water you’ll need to feel confident that enough water penetrates the soil and promotes deep and healthy root growth.

Split Up Long Periods Throughout the Day

In many cases, a single, long watering can result in pools of water that don’t make it far into the soil before most of the water evaporates. If you decide to water your landscape for a specific amount of time on any given day, you can increase the soil’s moisture absorption rate by breaking that period up into shorter periods.

If you plan to run your sprinklers for an hour on a certain day, try running them for half an hour in the early morning and for another half hour before noon. This gives the water a better chance to soak into the soil before the sun reaches its peak at noon.

Hydrozone Your Garden

If you’re redesigning your landscape, give hydrozoning a shot. This gardening technique involves planting plants with similar water needs together, which provides a few benefits.

The primary benefit is that it prevents you from having to worry about over or underwatering certain plants because others around it need more or less water. Another benefit is that you can simplify your watering strategy by knowing which plants at specific places in your garden need more or less water.

Get a Landscaping Expert’s Opinion

The best way to make sure you’re always doing the most for your landscape is to get personalized advice and services from a professional. At Purple Care, we offer the proven experience and skill necessary to help any homeowner or commercial property owner ensure that their property is getting the right amount of water it needs during summer.

For more information about our services, contact Purple Care online now!