If you have zoysia grass on your yard in Texas, it is important to aerate it annually. Aeration is the process of pulling up plugs of soil from your lawn, which will loosen compacted soil and make it easier for nutrients and other resources to reach the roots of your grass. However, that's not where its benefits stop! It also helps reduce thatch build-up and reduces the risk of your lawn developing fungal issues. By skipping out on aerating your lawn, you could be putting your turf at risk of many problems, such as poor health, discoloration, and suffering from lawn diseases. Because of this, it is recommended to aerate your zoysia lawn once a year, but if possible, do it twice a year.

Aerating your zoysia grass will reduce thatch build-up and reduce soil compaction.

One of the main reasons why you should aerate your zoysia grass once a year is to reduce thatch build-up and reduce soil compaction. When your soil becomes compacted, nutrients and other resources can have a hard time reaching the roots of your grass, negatively impacting its overall health. The best way to combat compaction is by having professionals aerate your lawn because they know how to go about it correctly. Professionals use specialized equipment to pull up plugs of soil from your lawn, which will loosen compacted soil and make it easy for essential resources to reach the roots of your grass.

In addition to preventing compaction, aerating your zoysia lawn will help reduce thatch build-up. Thatch is composed of dead grass and other organic matter that accumulates on top of your soil. By aerating your lawn, you can break down any existing thatch and allow your grass to access the air, water, and nutrients it needs to thrive.

Zoysia grass is perfect in Texas because it is heat- and drought-tolerant.

What happens if you don't aerate your zoysia grass?

If you skip out on aerating your zoysia grass, it could lead to several problems. For one, if your soil is compacted, nutrients and other vital resources won't be able to easily penetrate your soil, leading to your grass being deprived of everything it needs to grow strong and healthy. If your grass doesn't receive these key nutrients and resources, it might turn brown or die altogether. Additionally, if you don't aerate your zoysia lawn, there could be too much thatch buildup, which can suffocate your grass. To avoid these scenarios, it is always best to schedule an aeration service so your grass can stay healthy and beautiful year after year.

How often should you aerate your zoysia grass?

While it is recommended to aerate your zoysia grass once a year, doing it twice a year is even better! Zoysia grass is known for its resilience, but it still requires proper care and maintenance to remain healthy and vibrant. Ideally, you should schedule an aeration service every spring and fall. Doing it twice a year allows the roots of your grass to have consistent access to the air, water, and nutrients it needs to thrive. Scheduling this service during the spring and fall seasons also helps prepare your lawn for the upcoming summer and winter months.

Give us a call today to sign up for our aeration service!

If you have zoysia grass on your property, it is crucial to keep it healthy and thriving throughout the year. At Purple Care, we offer our aeration service to properties in Fort Worth, Arlington, Weatherford, TX, and nearby areas. We recommend aerating your lawn once a year, but if possible, do it twice a year. Our team performs this service in the spring and fall to ensure your lawn has access to the air, water, and nutrients it needs. Give us a call today at (817) 880-6052 to sign up for our aeration service.