For property owners in Texas, fall pre-emergent weed control is the key to achieving a weed-free lawn the following spring. This treatment involves applying herbicides that prevent weed seeds from sprouting. When applied in the fall, these pre-emergent treatments create a protective barrier that stops weeds before they start growing. Fall is the best time for this process as it helps to prevent winter and spring weeds from sprouting, giving your lawn a head start for a weed-free season. Also, for added protection, a post-emergent treatment in the fall can tackle any weeds that have already sprouted, further ensuring a lush, weed-free lawn come spring.

What is pre-emergent weed control?



Pre-emergent weed control is like creating a protective shield for your lawn to keep those pesky weeds from growing in the first place. Weeds start as seeds in your soil, just waiting for the right time to sprout and take over your lawn. You apply pre-emergent weed control before these weed seeds have a chance to grow, and it forms a barrier in the soil that stops those little weed sprouts from breaking through and seeing the light of day. In other words, it prevents weed seeds from sprouting and becoming those annoying plants that ruin the look of your beautiful lawn.

Why is it important to apply pre-emergent weed control in the fall in order to have a weed-free lawn in the spring?

Picture this: Fall is the time when your lawn is like a cozy bed, getting ready for a long winter's nap. But lurking beneath the surface, weed seeds are also getting ready to sprout and cause trouble come spring. That's why applying pre-emergent weed control in the fall is a game-changer.

Once winter passes and spring arrives, your lawn wakes up refreshed and ready to grow, while the weed seeds, trapped beneath that protective shield, can't sprout. This means your lawn gets a head start, and you'll be enjoying a beautiful, weed-free lawn in the spring. So, applying pre-emergent weed control in the fall is like giving your lawn an early defense system against those persistent spring weeds.

For extra protection against weeds, apply a post-emergent treatment in the fall.



Now that you've learned about pre-emergent weed control, there's a little extra step you can take in the fall to ensure your lawn remains a weed-free paradise. It's called post-emergent weed control.

While pre-emergent weed control stops weed seeds from sprouting, it doesn't work on weeds that have already sprouted on your lawn. That's where the post-emergent weed control treatments come in. Post-emergent treatments are designed to target and eliminate the weeds that are already on your lawn. It's the extra layer of defense that ensures your lawn remains pristine. By combining a post-emergent weed control treatment with your fall pre-emergent treatment, you can expect to have a weed-free lawn once spring arrives.

DIY weed control treatments can produce less than stellar results because the wrong product could be used or it could be applied incorrectly.

Give us a call today to enroll in our comprehensive weed control program.

At Purple Care, we can help you get a weed-free lawn throughout the year when you take advantage of our weed control program. This program includes reliable pre-emergent treatments applied four times a year, some of which are applied in the fall, preventing weeds from sprouting through your soil. We don't stop there—our program also involves applying post-emergent treatments to tackle any existing weeds, ensuring a weed-free, healthy lawn. We offer this service to property owners in Fort Worth, Arlington, Weatherford, and surrounding areas in Texas. Enroll in our effective weed control program by contacting us at (817) 880-6052 today and bid farewell to weed worries.