Picture it: You’ve opened the pantry door in the middle of the night. You can’t sleep, and you think you may as well get a snack and try again in a little bit. Light cracks through an opening in the door, and suddenly — what was that?!

There it is again! Was that a flash of silver?

What is living in your pantry?

Silverfish 101

Silverfish are old-as-time insects that feed primarily on sugar and carbs. They feed on dry stock food found in the pantry as well as things like wallpaper, books, insulation, photo albums, and more. They prefer to come out at night to feed, which is when you’re most likely to see them scurrying around.

Silverfish are one of the oldest insects in the world — some scientists believe they’ve been alive for some 400 million years!

What Do Silverfish Look Like?

Silverfish are small, oblong, and silver-colored. They’re typically anywhere from a half-inch to one inch long, and although they’ve been around for millions of years, they never evolved to have wings.

Are Silverfish Harmful?

Silverfish aren’t inherently dangerous to humans or pets, but they can cause allergic reactions. When silverfish molt, they drop scales which contribute to dust and other debris commonly found in the home.

How to Get Rid of Silverfish

Silverfish are most likely to be spotted in moist, humid areas with access to food. You may also spot silverfish in the bathtub or sink as these areas provide access to water. Unfortunately, if you find yourself dealing with silverfish, DIY methods won’t be very successful. Because these insects have been around for so long, they’re resistant to many insecticides. Plus, as small, flat-bodied bugs, they can get into small crevices and cracks to hide out and reproduce in safety.

If you’re dealing with silverfish, contact the pros at Purple Care for assistance. Our team can help you take your home back from all manner of pesky home invaders. Contact us online or by phone at (817) 880-6052 today!