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Our blog is updated with helpful information about our premium landscape construction and commercial maintenance services.
Plants that Can Keep Bugs Away from Your Home & Yard
Keeping bugs out of your garden or home can be a daunting task. Between setting up traps, using sprays, or investing in the services of pest control professionals, there are a multitude of options...
Which Type of Mulch Variety Is Right for Your Yard?
Mulch is an essential element of any healthy yard. Not only can it improve the appearance of your gardens and flower beds, but mulch also offers a range of benefits for plants. From reducing weed...
10 Things Everyone Should Know About Their Sprinklers
Sprinkler systems can be complicated, but only if you don’t know what you’re doing. The good news is that our landscaping pros at Purple Care are experts when it comes...
How to Get the Green Lawn of Your Dreams
So you’ve always wanted the front lawn to make your neighbors green with envy. But how can you get and maintain such a lawn in the volatile Texas weather? 6 Tips for a Greener, Healthier...
8 Plants for a Drought Tolerant Garden
Life in Texas has many ups and downs — one of which is the weather. Mild and pleasant one minute, unseasonably hot and dry the next. The current drought conditions most of Texas is experiencing ...
Lighting Options to Improve Any Yard
Summer is almost here, and if you’re looking for a way to improve your landscaping, you may want to consider upgrading your exterior property’s lighting scheme. Outdoor lighting is a...
Everything You Need to Know About Pampas Grass
From celebrity obsessions to event planning and Instagram, pampas grass has made a household name for itself in the past few years. Pros and Cons of Pampas Grass Scientifically named Cortaderia ...
10 Flowers to Consider Planting This Spring
Spring has sprung, and it’s time for your garden to do the same! At Purple Care, we proudly provide seasonal flower beds to help your property look its best throughout the year. Keep reading...
How to Properly Use Mulch in Your Yard
With spring practically here, you may be looking for new ways to upgrade your lawn or landscaping. One great way to do this is to put down mulch. A collection of organic material, typically made from ...